Marshfield Utilities Winter Storm Information – Preparation and How to Address Issues

marshfield utilities winter storm

From Marshfield Utilities:

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – With additional snow and high winds expected to affect our area Thursday and into the weekend we are anticipating possible electrical service outages. The most up to date information will be provided on our website, Facebook, and Instagram. Please follow our pages and the City of Marshfield’s page for up to date communication.

Our electric meters detect outages and send automatic notification to us. You can report power outage by calling 715-387-1195 during office hours. Afterhours call 715-384-8515.

If a line is on the ground do NOT touch it. If a line comes down on your vehicle while you are inside of it, call 911. DO NOT get out of the vehicle!

If the line is sparking, arcing, touching a vehicle, or across a road stay at least 10 feet away and call 911.

Cable and telephone wires run along the poles and up to buildings below the electrical wires. Often these are the wires affected when the power remains in service. If you would like to report low wires, branches, or trees on wires please take a photo(s) from a safe distance and email them to [email protected] along with the address, your name and phone number. This will help us to assess and prioritize these locations more efficiently. If you are unable to email photos please call the numbers above to report the situation.

Due to our focus on life safety issues and outages, Marshfield Utilities does not address branches or trees on telephone or cable service lines.

  • Spectrum/Charter customer support can be reached at 888.369.2408.
  • TDS can be reached at 1-855-220-9592
  • Frontier can be reached at 1-800-921-8101

You May Need to Hire an Electrician

Some situations require a property owner to contact an electrician for repairs before we can restore power. For example; if there is damage to the mast or meter socket that are attached to the structure. If you see damage like this please call an electrician for repairs. They will coordinate with Marshfield Utilities to restore your power.

Please prepare your home and family for a potential outage:

  • Stock up on bottled water and non-perishable food that doesn’t require electricity to prepare.
  • Have a generator and fuel on hand. Make sure generators are only operated outdoors! Follow the generator instructions.
  • If you don’t have a generator make sure you have flashlights, extra batteries, and a portable power bank.
  • Protect pipes and block drafts.
  • Have alternate plans for refrigerating medicines or using power-dependent medical devices.
  • Have a plan for proper care for your animals.
  • Fill your vehicle with fuel. Have provisions in the vehicle in case of an accident.
  • Have a contingency plan to stay with family, friends, or at a hotel if the power is out for an extended period of time.

If you need a warm place to go temporarily consider the following options during their open hours:

  • Public Library
  • Church
  • Walk around at a big-box store like Wal-mart, Target, or Festival

If you are traveling, please do not exceed speeds appropriate for road conditions. Allow for more time for safe stopping and space for service trucks and crews working on the side of roadways.

How we prioritize reported situations:

  1. Life and safety situation based on the information we have are first priority.
  2. Restoring all outages
  3. Addressing down lines, trees or branches on lines with no outages

As always we work as quickly and safely as we can to restore service. Please take steps to be prepared for extended outages. With the extreme cold temperatures and whiteout conditions that are expected repairs will take longer.

We welcome your stories! Contact us at [email protected]!

News Desk
Author: News Desk

This piece was posted by our news team! Contact us or submit stories at [email protected].