Marshfield Moves Ahead with Fall Sports, SPASH Delays until Spring


In a social media post, Marshfield High School confirmed they will play their fall sports seasons this fall. There will be an additional delay for the lower risk sports, as practices will not be able to start until September 1st.

Stevens Point Area Senior High has chosen to delay all fall sports to the spring season.

“As we have made decisions we have prioritized and focused on two main objectives: student and staff safety, and our ability to offer students in-person learning opportunities,” said superintendent Craig Gerlach. “At this time, we do not believe that holding these activities can be done in a safe manner and further, that moving forward with these activities puts our ability to offer in-person learning at risk. And Appleton West has opted to play their fall sports in the spring along with the rest of the Appleton School District’s High Schools.

Appleton West along with the rest of the high schools in the Appleton School District have already elected to delay fall sports to spring.

Schedules are expected out shortly, stay tuned to Sports OnFocus for updates.

Steven Okonek
Author: Steven Okonek