Marshfield Won’t Hold Primary Election this February


Four municipalities in Wood County will hold a spring primary election, scheduled for Tuesday, February 19, 2019.

The Stevens Point School District will hold a primary election for school board, affecting the Town of Milladore, the Town of Sherry, and the Village of Milladore in Wood County. Since there are only six registered voters in this district in Sherry, the town’s polling place was combined with Milladore for the primary election only, resulting in cost savings for both municipalities.

The Town of Saratoga will hold a primary election for the positions of Town Chairperson and Town Supervisor.

Marshfield races for School Board and Common Council are uncontested, which means no election will take place until April 2. Even-numbered Aldermanic Districts (2,4,6,8,10) are up for election. All incumbents are running unchallenged with only one new candidate for the open District 4 position.

Two positions are open on the Marshfield Board of Education. Board member Dale Yakaites is running along with two write-in candidates, Keith Pugh and Kajal Sitwala.

The general election will be held on April 2, 2019.

News Desk
Author: News Desk