Marshfield YMCA Child Care Participant Tests Positive for COVID-19


Marshfield Clinic Health System YMCA Child Care Participant Asymptotic, Isolating at Home

Marshfield (OnFocus) – According to a statement from Marshfield Clinic Health System YMCA, a child care participant has tested positive for COVID-19 and is isolating at home. The YMCA released a statement to members outlining the situation.

Before reopening their facilities, the Marshfield Clinic Health System YMCA instituted numerous health and safety measures to best protect everyone who entered, including a thorough cleaning and disinfecting, along with additional procedures to maintain a high level of custodial standards.

“Regrettably, we were notified by the Wood County Health Department on Sunday, June 8, 2020 that a participant of our Y’s Child Care program has tested positive of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and was asymptomatic,” they said in a statement. “According to the Wood County Health Department, he remains asymptomatic and will remain in quarantine at home for the next 10 days.”

The Wood County Health Department requested the YMCA close their Child Care Center while they conducted contact tracing.

“That has been done and all children and staff who were in direct contact have been asked to self-quarantine for 14 days,” they said.

Families will be contacted this week as they resume care for the children in Child Care Center rooms 1 & 3 who did not have direct contact. The Wood County Health Department allowed summer day camp to start today because there was no direct contact and it uses separated spaces and separate staff. Other guidance from the health department was to continue to screen participants upon arrival to care, continue with enhanced cleaning procedures, and minimize shared use of spaces, staff and equipment.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the virus is thought to spread mainly between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet) through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

“If you or any family member experiences symptoms of respiratory illness (fever, coughing or shortness of breath), please inform John Nystrom, YMCA CEO, and contact your health care provider,” they said. “The Marshfield Clinic Health System YMCA will keep all medical information confidential and will only disclose it on a need-to-know basis.”

They added that the Marshfield Clinic Health System YMCA has been and will continue to ensure the safety of our members, staff and Child Care Center families during this coronavirus pandemic, including;

  • Full wellness checks of all youth and staff prior to entering our programs
  • Increased handwashing
  • Maximum of 1:9 staff child ratio; groups no larger than 10
  • Children and staff stay in the same small group all day (we do not mix groups)
  • Social distancing of 6 feet during all activities and transitions
  • Disinfection of items and spaces between use
  • Full deep clean and disinfection of program spaces each night.

“We take this issue extremely serious and appreciate your understanding on this sensitive matter. The Marshfield Clinic Health System YMCA Child Care Center has been approved by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to continue our child care operations,” they said. “For more information on COVID-19, including symptoms and treatment, visit the CDC website at We will continue to provide updates as they become available via email and our Facebook page.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact John Nystrom, YMCA CEO, at 715.387.4900 or email [email protected].”

Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this post indicated that a child care worker had tested positive. After clarifying with the YMCA, we updated the post. Thank you to all who reached out and thank you to the YMCA for clarifying their release.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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