Marshfield’s Festival Foods Gets a Facelift

File image / Marshfield Festival Foods

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Marshfield’s Festival Foods, located at 1613 N Central Ave, has a new look outside. Gone is the rainbow facade in favor of a more modern look.

“Our store here in Marshfield became a Festival Foods in 1993. As with everything, times change, fashions change, and when we open and build new stores today we are using different colors,” explained Marty Chy, Store Director. “So we decided that it was time to give our store a fresh new look and bring things up to date.”

Not only has the outside received a new look, Festival Foods’ interior is continually being updated to improve aesthetics, function, and guest convenience.

“We do the same thing each year inside our store as we continually add new registers, machinery, merchandising units and things like bigger ovens and coolers so that we can stay current and bring our guests the items they are looking for,” he said.


Check out featured Festival Foods Recipes right here OnFocus!

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