Marshfield’s Skate Park Seeks Artist Contributions for Memorial and Art Wall

marshfield skatepark
Marshfield Skatepark on 11/20/22

Marshfield’s Skate Park Set to Receive Permanent Memorial Bench and Artwork in Honor of 16 Year-Old Who Died

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Marshfield’s Skate Park is on the verge of transforming into a meaningful tribute to a young life lost too soon. Plans are underway to install a permanent memorial bench and vibrant artwork throughout the park, commemorating the memory of 16-year-old Cam Kirschbaum, who tragically passed away from fentanyl poisoning. The initiative aims to create a lasting memorial while raising awareness about drug abuse and mental health.

On October 19, 2022, a vigil was held at the skate park to celebrate Cam’s life. Family and friends came together to grieve, and a touching display of flowers and artwork adorned the park’s fence. However, during that time, the skate park structures were also marred by spray-painted graffiti. Efforts are now underway to remove the graffiti and replace it with colorful artwork, thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Common Council and the Parks & Recreation Department.

Leading the charge is Council member Mike O’Reilly, who is spearheading the project with a vision to promote awareness of drug abuse and mental health issues. O’Reilly recently presented his plans at a Parks & Recreation Committee meeting, outlining a grand design that includes an illuminated concrete wall measuring 8′ x 30′ at the park’s entrance.

Adjacent to the memorial wall, a special bench will be installed to provide a serene space for visitors to rest and reflect. The bench was made possible through monetary donations raised on a GoFundMe page initiated by one of Cam’s close friends. Additionally, the project entails installing 25 pieces of artwork on the perimeter fence, which will be created by members of the community. O’Reilly is actively seeking individuals willing to lend their artistic talents to help design these unique artworks.

While the project has already garnered some generous donations, additional assistance is needed to cover the costs associated with the murals and artwork on the fences. The community has rallied around the initiative, with concrete, electrical, lighting, installation, promotional radio advertising, and power washing of the entire park all being donated. The construction of the concrete wall is slated to commence in the near future, but the murals can only be painted after the concrete has fully cured, which will take a few months.

Speaking about the project, O’Reilly said, “This is important to me because our country is losing over 100K people per year to fentanyl poisoning, and we need to make sure this never leaves the spotlight. I also think this is an opportunity to unite our community for an important purpose while recognizing this tragic event that got us where we are.”

Those interested in supporting or getting involved in the project are encouraged to reach out to Mike O’Reilly via email at [email protected] or by calling (715) 498-3785. The project welcomes both financial contributions and community participation, as it strives to connect with the skate park’s youthful users and foster healthy decision-making while honoring Kirschbaum’s memory.

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