May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

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Submitted to OnFocus – May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month and Marshfield Insurance is here to help riders ensure the proper coverage for their bike.

“When we quote or add a motorcycle to an existing auto policy, we make sure to match the coverages they have on the auto policy,” said Personal Lines Manager Brian Varsho. “A motorcycle is a licensed vehicle that travels up and down the same roads as cars, truck, and other vehicles. If I had a motorcycle, I would want the same coverage that I have on my auto insurance.”

Common motorcycle insurance claims vary by location, and at Marshfield Insurance there are two main ones.

“In my experience, the two most common types of motorcycle claims I come across are those that occur in an intersection, and deer… yep, deer,” said Ryan Horswill, Claims Manager at Marshfield Insurance. “The intersection accidents seem to be a pretty even split between the other driver not paying attention and the cycle driver not paying attention.”

Varsho added that because of the risk, motorcycle insurance should not be an afterthought on anyone’s mind.

“Motorcyclists have the same rights as a car or truck but they are not noticed as much due to the smaller size. We all have to pay close attention to the roads and make sure we are carefully looking for cyclist during these great summer months,” he said.

Marshfield Insurance is well equipped to help motorcycle enthusiasts stay protected.

“The multiple companies that we have to choose from, our extensive experience team members, and our dedicated claims department are top notch,” said Varsho.

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Author: News Desk

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