Mayor McManus Authorizes City Administrator to Limit Public Access

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Marshfield (OnFocus) On Tuesday, November 17th, Mayor Bob McManus signed a proclamation in the City of Marshfield that authorizes the City of Administrator to direct closure or other appropriate limitations related to access by the public in all City buildings; which shall be implemented consistent with applicable laws.

This order comes less than a week after the city moved to raise taxes 7.4%.

According to the statement: “To help further prevent the spread of COVID-19, the City of Marshfield is limiting access to City owned public buildings, with a few exceptions. Mayor Bob McManus signed a proclamation at approximately 5:20 p.m. on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 stating a public health state of emergency exists in the City of Marshfield; and authorizes the City Administrator to direct closure or other appropriate limitations related to access by the public in all City buildings; and shall be implemented consistent with applicable laws.”

The public will have limited access to City Departments, which will take effect on Thursday, November 19, 2020 and remain in place until further notice. Public access to City Hall’s first set of doors, along with Municipal Court proceedings will continue as usual, including public meetings.

Citizens are encouraged to call 715-486-2000 to make an appointment with City staff when able to do so.

The Police Department lobby will remain open Monday – Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., which also includes an intercom in the outer lobby to contact the Wood County Shared Dispatch Center, for those who need to speak to an officer. Additionally, the Community Center will also remain open to those who want to contact Parks and Recreation Department and the other tenants in the building. Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library will also be closed but the drive-up will continue to be open as usual.

Additionally, buildings such as Fire, Streets and Wastewater Treatment Plant, will also be closed to the public but staff will be available answer questions by appointment or remote means.

This order will remain in effect until the Common Council meets to discuss the issue at its meeting on November 24, 2020.

News Desk
Author: News Desk