Mayor’s Breakfast by the Numbers


Sponsors Make Kickoff Event Possible

When over 2,000 people attend the Mayor’s Breakfast at Dairyfest each year, that’s a whole lot of eggs to crack.

Fortunately, the nine cases of eggs (an estimated 4,000 eggs) arrive pre-cracked and are ready to be made by dedicated volunteers into the famous scrambled egg skillet with cheese, ham, mushrooms, onions, and hash browns.

The rest of the quantities are equally impressive: 150 gallons of milk (half chocolate and white), 28 pounds of butter, 300 dozen muffins, 9 institutional-sized cans of mushrooms, 350 pounds of ham, 55 gallons of ice cream, and 900 bananas.

Each food item on the breakfast menu is sponsored every year by the same area businesses, who have done so for decades.

“They come forward to say, ‘Just so you know, I want to sponsor the coffee at Dairyfest,” said Debbie Bauer, MACCI Program Director. “It really makes my job easier!”

Eggs and hash browns come from the hospital, and coffee by McDonald’s. Grassland provides the butter, Nasonville Dairy donates the cheese, and Weber’s Farm Store the milk. Bananas come from Kwik Trip, and McMillan Warner Mutual Insurance Company this year is sponsoring the ham. Festival Foods provides utensils, muffins and ice cream, the strawberries for which come from Dairy Queen. All the plates are provided by AgCountry Farm Credit Services.

Even the flowers on the table are donated by local florists. “Everyone just wants a piece of this in one way or another,” Bauer said.

Any leftovers are put to good use. “If we have [leftover] ice cream, we give it to the Parks & Rec Department because they work so hard throughout the weekend, or the fire department or police department,” she said.

As the kickoff to Dairyfest, the Mayor’s Breakfast is also the place to snatch up a free souvenir coffee mug with the 2018 logo, sponsored by H&S Manufacturing, Marshfield Clinic Health System, Marshfield Utilities, Dental Clinic of Marshfield, and Nelson-Jameson. T-shirts are $5 and will also be red this year.

The breakfast runs from 5:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Fair Expo building on Friday, June 1. Advanced tickets are available at the MACCI office until May 31 to avoid the line, or on the day of the event.

News Desk
Author: News Desk