Mayor’s Investigation Request Declined by Council

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OnFocus – At Tuesday’s Common Council meeting, Mayor Bob McManus highlighted issues he had brought up during Closed Session in the last Special Common Council meeting. On the agenda was a request by McManus to be given “authority to authorize an investigation to be initiated by the City Attorney into the protocol and actions of members of the Fire and Police Commission from January 1, 2020 through February 5, 2021.”

“The reason I’m asking for your approval for the city attorney to look into this is because I believe there may be more and the only way we’ll know is if we look into it,” McManus said after highlighting some of the issue. “I am looking for a motion.”

After a motion by Alderman Rosandich and a second by Feirer, there was a discussion.

“I remember your presentation in Closed Session and I saw your presentation on the Insight show. Quite frankly, if you really, really truly believe there are problems with the PFC, the best way to do it is to file a complaint,” said Alderman Ed Wagner. “There is a process and we’ve been following the process with the Chief, with the complaint against you…This trial by public doesn’t do the city any good and it doesn’t help us get to the bottom of the matter any faster. I have to vote against this investigation. I think it’s a distraction. If you really have enough to file a complaint, by all means do it.”

“I’m definitely not opposed to an investigation, but I’m concerned that there is no specific thing we are investigating,” said Alderman Nick Poeschel. “As someone who spent their career doing investigations, you can’t just go out and start looking for things. We’ve been provided no information except the hearsay you provided at the last meeting. I’d like to see something in writing, some specifics of what was being alleged, before we can make a decision on going ahead with an investigation.”

“I’m not against ever doing an investigation and looking into something, but as I read [the agenda item] it’s so generic,” said Alderman Adam Fischer. “Before I could honestly vote yes, I’d need something in writing, I’d need to know what you are wanting us to investigate…We have no documentation at this point.”

“I can’t support this,” said Alderman Pete Hendler. “I think if you do have something concrete, file a complaint. But to do a generic, see what sticks on a wall. I can’t do that.”

Alderwoman Rebecca Spiros also explained that there seems to be public confusion about the myriad issues happening at one time, but stressed that they are not related.

The motion failed 8-2.

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