In 1898, a small group of farmers joined together to form McMillan Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Company. The local business, known today as McMillan Warner Mutual Insurance Company, continues to thrive in the Marshfield area community, and beyond.
Starting with the goal of protecting farmers, livestock, and property, the company has undergone extensive evolution in its 100+ years of existence. Most recently, the company unveiled a new logo design and rebranding in line with its evolving product lines.
“We wanted a fresh, modern, and clean look,” said Scott Krum, CEO. Describing it as reminiscent of a “life cycle,” the logo features a cyclical design in a new color. Shifting from the former maroon and white, the new logo features four complementary colors.
The brand refresh coincides with a recent summer internship program (who were instrumental in choosing the logo) and McMillan Warner offering new products. The company has released an auto line that gives policyholders the advantage of bundling their home and auto insurance coverage, along with expanded equipment breakdown coverage and the addition of service line coverage.
A policyholder-owned domestic non-assessable mutual insurance company, McMillan Warner’s dedicated and loyal employees offer a combined 350+ years of experience.
“We are a member of this community, a good neighbor,” said Krum. “We take pride in having good agency-partner relationships with our independent agency force. We are evolving. We want your business. We are here to listen and provide quality, responsive customer service.”
The company continues to grow, with goals to expand into neighboring states and offer enhanced and expanded product lines.