Meet the Candidate for Mayor: Tom W Witzel


Meet Tom W Witzel, Candidate For Mayor

Your name: Thomas W Witzel

For which office are you running?: Mayor

Where are you from?: I was born in Milwaukee, but I have had a Marshfield address since before turning a year old. I am truly a product of this community and the Marshfield school system.

Where are you employed?: After teaching school for 15 years, I am now a technology trainer at the Marshfield Clinic Health System. In that position I train users from providers to support staff, from newly hired to highly experienced.

Why did you decide to run for local office?: After serving on the Common Council for more than a year, I was encouraged to run for mayor. I considered the idea, before deciding it was an great opportunity for me to serve the community in a new and larger capacity.

Why do you think you would be a good choice for this office?: I have been part of this community for more than 45 years. I am fully vested in the community, having chosen to raise my family here and fully intending to retire here. I have a track record of service to the community, having served on the Marshfield Police Auxiliary for 20 years, and now serving on the Common Council. I bring a unique perspective, having history here. Being on the Council, I am knowledgeable about the issues the city is facing, but I am new enough to provide a fresh perspective to those issues. Additionally, my track record on the Common Council shows my willingness to listen to the constituents and fight for their concerns, regardless of my own opinions.

What do you like to do in your free time? Please share a bit about your family, interests, hobbies: I enjoy spending time with my wife of 20+ years as well as our two school-aged children. We like to travel around the state, visiting historic sites. Additionally, I play drums and am given the opportunity to play once or twice a month at church.

Anything else you’d like readers to know?: I would be very honored to be given the opportunity to serve this great city in the role of mayor.

News Desk
Author: News Desk