Meet the School Board Candidate: S.A.M. Steiner


Meet S.A.M. Steiner

All candidates for School Board were asked the following questions by FOCUS, Hub City Times, and WDLB. Watch to hear their answers.

Why are you running for school board?

What are you looking to accomplish as a school board member?

What are your priorities of the Marshfield Education System?

How have you previously serviced the community?

If elected, what will you do to strengthen the communication and positive support connection between central office and school building staff?

Marshfield has a rising drug epidemic, what is your role as a school board member to help prevent the spread?

Marshfield School District has proposed a new athletic complex, what is your position on the proposal?

If the School District was in a position where budget cuts were necessary without a referendum, where would propose the district look first?

With over 238 points of entry to our school systems, do you believe we are taking all the correct measures to ensure safety for our students and faculty?

Have you ever spent time in a classroom? Do you know or have experience with procedures or curriculum taught?

What solutions do you have for the extreme lack of sub shortages within our district?

News Desk
Author: News Desk