Moms For Liberty Endorses Four Candidates for Marshfield School Board

(left to right: Tara Tremelling, Kat Garrity Vieth, Rebecca OIiver, Nicole Forst)

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – There will be four new candidates running for Marshfield School Board in the next election, all endorsed by Moms For Liberty Wood County. They will be running for the seats held by incumbents Dan Neve and Mark Konrardy. After the Primary, the top 4 vote getters will progress to the Spring Election on April 1, 2023.

The new candidates are Nicole Forst, Kat Garitty Vieth, Tara Tremelling, and Rebecca Oliver. These candidates will be on the ballot on Tuesday, February 21 for the Spring Primary.

“We endorse these candidates because they will bring financial responsibility, uphold parental rights, and bring transparency to the district,” said Mike O’Reilly, Chair of Moms For Liberty Wood County.

Learn more about them here:

Nicole Forst
I have children in Elementary and Middle School and have been involved at Grant Elementary PTO for the past 5 years. I volunteer in school events such as field trips, reading to the class, etc, along with extracurricular activities such as youth football, youth wrestling, and Silver Laces ice skating.

I would like to focus on a collaborative relationship with staff and community – all need to work together to achieve common sense solutions. I also want to be proactive in cost-saving measures. My goal is to create a transparent process of accountability and assist with setting high academic standards for our future at Marshfield.

Kat Garrity Vieth
I am married and with my husband have eight beautiful daughters (ages 16-31) and nine grandchildren (ages 1-12), five of which are in the Marshfield School District. With schools changing so rapidly and not in a positive direction, I have decided I am ready to get involved to help our schools and community.

I believe in complete transparency between the schools and parents. I am also a strong believer in checks and balances and the money for our school district being used wisely.

Rebecca Oliver
I am 64 years-old. I had 8 children, and I am the grandmother of 16. Most of them are in the Marshfield School District. My family moved to Marshfield when I was in the third grade. I grew up here and came back to the area when my oldest was a young teen. I went to parochial school until the middle of 9th grade, then went to high school in the Marshfield schools. I was a school board chairman for a parochial school in Illinois for two years. I know there are hard decisions to be made, and I have experience with that. I worked with angry parents to work out solutions for different situations. I did substitute teaching for a while, and understand the support that teachers need. I homeschooled my children for a while, so I understand the importance of a GOOD curriculum.

My reasons for running are:
The need for more parental involvement and oversight of the schools. Parents are ultimately in charge of their children’s education.

I believe the upcoming referendum is excessive. I think we need fresh eyes on the school district financials. I think we need better planning for upcoming projects so we can fit them into the existing budget as much as possible to eliminate coming up with referendums for more money.

Tara Tremelling
I was born and raised in Marshfield, graduating from MHS in 2003. My parents are Paul and Joan Tremelling. My dad owns Art’s Body Shop in Marshfield and my mom had an in-home daycare until retiring in summer 2022. I work from home in Marshfield as an associate business analyst for one of the nation’s top Third Party Insurance Administrators, where a large amount of my time is focused on developing and implementing process improvement initiatives for different areas of business.

I have many close family members with kids in our district, a 9-month old goddaughter and a niece on the way who will go through Marshfield school. I want them to receive the same amazing education I was lucky enough to get when I went through school. I also want them to feel proud to be a Marshfield Tiger, like I was. From what I’m seeing and what I’m hearing about how things have changed, I don’t feel like that is as true now as it was then.

I want to restore that hometown pride for our schools as well as safety, high quality education with appropriate curriculum, a proper budget and use of resources, letting kids be kids and parents be parents, removing school and government overreach into family and student life.

To learn more about the upcoming election, visit

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