Mountain Goat “Hemlock” To Leave Wildwood Zoo

Wildwood Zoo's Hemlock

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Submitted – It is with mixed emotions that Wildwood Zoo announces the departure of “Hemlock”, the male mountain goat.

On April 26th, 2022, he arrived from the Dakota Zoo in Bismarck, North Dakota. He quickly became a favorite amongst visitors with his goofy, curious, and social attitude. After the passing of the female mountain goat, Ruby, our top priority has been to find Hemlock a herd.

After contacting numerous facilities and extensively discussing the situation, the best scenario moving forward will be to reunite Hemlock with his brother at Wildwood Wildlife Park and Safari in Minocqua, WI in their newly built exhibit.

The two will form a bachelor herd until additional mountain goats are available for placement. Each of our animals are considered as individuals and decisions are made by the people that know them best. While we will certainly miss hearing his little squeal and hooves running down the mountain to greet us, we know that this is the best thing for him.

He will make his move early next week. Further consideration will be given to the rock pile pasture moving forward.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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