Names of Officers Released in Fatal Wausau Shooting Jan. 16

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Update on Officer-Involved Wausau Shooting

Wausau, WI (OnFocus) The Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) Division of Criminal Investigation has released the names of the officers involved in a fatal Wausau shooting on Thursday, January 16, 2020.

[Related: Wausau Suspect Fired at Officers, Occupied Vehicle]

The Wausau Police Department and Marathon County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of a subject attempting to steal vehicles in the area of Artic Lane and North 12th Avenue. Law enforcement confronted Jack Bolinger, age 35, of Neenah.

Bolinger fired on officers during the incident and an occupied citizen’s vehicle. Officers returned fire, and Bolinger fell to the ground and pointed the firearm at law enforcement, not complying with continued orders. Law enforcement again fired and struck Bolinger, who died of his injuries at the scene.

No officers were injured and the involved officers were placed on administrative leave, per the department’s policy.

The DCI is leading the investigation and ocntinues to review evidence, assisted by the Wisconsin State Crime Lab, Wisconsin State Patrol, Marathon County Medical Examiner, and DOJ Office of Crime Victim Services.

The involved officers include:

Wausau Police Officer Shawn Pierschalla, 13 years of law enforcement experience
Wausau Police Officer Benjamin Price, 4 years of law enforcement experience
Wausau Police Officer Michael Horejs, 3 years of law enforcement experience
Marathon County Patrol Lieutenant Steven Denovi, 19 years of law enforcement experience
Marathon County Deputy Sheriff James Toth, 23 years of law enforcement experience
Marathon County Deputy Sheriff Brandon Stroik, 11 years of law enforcement experience

Wausau Suspect Fired at Officers, Occupied Vehicle

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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