National Farm Medicine Center Helps Farmers Give the Gift of Safety


Tractor Rollbar Rebate: The Christmas Gift That Keeps On Giving

Give the gift of farm safety this Christmas by ordering a tractor rollbar for someone you love! It’s easy. Call 1-877-ROPS-R4U (1-877-767-7748), or go to and click on Wisconsin. The program reimburses up to 70 percent (maximum of $865) toward the total cost of purchasing, shipping and installing individual ROPS.

The program is run by the National Farm Medicine Center at Marshfield Clinic Research Institute, with philanthropic support from the Auction of Champions. The program just installed its 200th ROPS, which will protect the tractor owner, employees, family, and anyone who drives that tractor for years to come.

A ROPS is an operator compartment structure (usually cab or rollbar) intended to protect farmers from injuries caused by overturns or rollovers. More than half the tractors in Wisconsin do not have this protection. A ROPS, when used with a seatbelt, is 99 percent effective in preventing injury or death in the event of an overturn.

News Desk
Author: News Desk