Neillsville Police Remind Public of Front License Plate Requirement

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Front License Plates Required in Wisconsin

The requirement to have front and rear plates is a law in Wisconsin, and Neillsville Police Chief Mankowki recently reminded the public of this in a social media post.

Covered in Wisconsin State Statute 341.15(1), the registered owner of a motor vehicle must properly attach both a front and rear plate to the motor vehicle.

“As I patrol the City of Neillsville, I often discover many vehicles without front license plates,” Chief Jim Mankowki wrote. “We will be stopping motorists, and issuing warnings, to those vehicles without a front registration plate.”

The State Statute is as follows:

341.15  Display of registration plates.
(1)  Whenever 2 registration plates are issued for a vehicle, one plate shall be attached to the front and one to the rear of the vehicle. Whenever only one registration plate is issued for a vehicle, the plate shall be attached as follows:

(a) If the vehicle is a truck tractor or road tractor or a motor truck issued the plate under s. 341.405 (2), to the front.

(b) For any other vehicle for which only one plate is issued, to the rear, except that a plate issued to or for a municipality under s. 341.26 (2m) may be attached to the front of the vehicle if the design or use of the vehicle is such as to make a plate attached to the rear difficult to see and read.

Anyone with questions is welcome to contact Chief Mankowski at 715-743-5661.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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