Nelson-Jameson to Celebrate Ribbon Cutting at New Corporate Headquarters

nelson jameson

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – The public is invited to attend as Nelson-Jameson celebrates a ribbon cutting ceremony and grand opening at their new headquarters.

“We invite everyone to attend to connect with us and learn what Nelson-Jameson does and our role in the food and dairy industry,” said Melissa Pasciak, Director of Marketing. “Tour our newly remodeled corporate office, which is a modern workspace that celebrates collaboration among team members.”

In 1947, Earl Nelson, his father Ted, Herb Jameson and Bob Dougherty founded Nelson-Jameson as a dairy equipment and supply business in Toluca, Illinois. Their goal was to serve as a comprehensive resource for dairy plants, but they soon discovered that their Illinois location wasn’t ideal.

Ted and Herb then studied dairy production maps and relocated the business to Marshfield, Wisconsin—the heart of dairy production. Shortly after, Dougherty and Jameson left Nelson-Jameson to pursue other business options, leaving the company in the control of the Nelsons. Today, Nelson-Jameson is run by the fourth generation of the Nelson family.

The move to Marshfield proved to be fortuitous for Nelson-Jameson—Over the years, the organization has expanded, adding distribution centers in California, Idaho, Pennsylvania, and Texas, plus a sales office in Illinois. This nationwide reach has allowed Nelson-Jameson to maintain its strong dairy industry base, while growing their customer list to include virtually every type of food processor in all 50 states as well as many foreign countries.

“This event is a way for us to thank our community, family, friends, and past employees for their support and contributions to our organization,” said Pasciak. “We have been a part of the Marshfield community since 1949, and greatly appreciate the opportunity to share our growth and success.”

Come celebrate their growth and see their commitment to the area by investing in a newly renovated corporate office. Join them on Wednesday, October 20 at 3200 S Central Avenue. The Ribbon Cutting will take place at 4:00pm, with tours offered until 6:00pm.

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Author: News Desk

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