New Garbage and Recycling Pickup System Going Well

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Advanced Disposal Thanks Residents for Embracing Change

It’s been about one month since the City of Marshfield implemented a new garbage and recycling system with residents, and contracted company Advanced Disposal is happy to report that the transition has been going well.

“We are appreciative of the residents being very understanding and adaptive to change in a program that hadn’t changed much over the years,” said Dale Marth, Area Municipal and Government Affairs Manager for Advanced Disposal. “Although it is too early to talk specific numbers we have noticed the recycling rate has improved with the convenience of the carts for recycling.”

He added that residents have embraced the new system and took advantage of free disposal of old bins and garbage cans.

As with any major change, there is bound to be a period of transition. Marth highlighted some common errors and questions that he and his team have noticed in the first month.

“It is important that residents consult the map and calendar (see below) to find their correct day for recycling,” he said. “We are getting quite a few calls about ‘missed’ recycling when they do not have the correct week for their area. It is now every other week recycling.”

Other notes for residents:

  • The opening of the cart should face the street, with handles towards the house.
  • There should be about a three foot cushion between each cart and other items like mailboxes, etc.
  • The cart should be within three feet of the edge of the pavement – some are back too far.
  • Carts should be out by 6:00 a.m.
  • Residents will have the opportunity to request a different cart size later this year. Residents are asked to use the cart they have for now to confirm if they truly do need to switch. Additional information on the cart switching process will be coming out this fall.

Advanced Disposal thanks residents for their adaptiveness during this time of transition. If residents have questions, they can contact 715-502-3565. Information is also available on the City Website.

News Desk
Author: News Desk