New GIS Map Connects Bicyclists to City Trails

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Interactive Map Highlights Marshfield Bike Trails

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) Discovering Marshfield’s bike trails is easier than ever thanks to a new interactive online map spearheaded by the Marshfield Area Friends of the Trails (MAFOTT).

The GIS map, available at, identifies 13 bike trails in and around the city. Visitors to the website can view each highlighted trail segment for details about its length, width, elevation and terrain, and also find parking and restrooms.

The idea originated when MAFOTT was approached by the Parks and Recreation Department to work on a joint project that would promote the city’s trail system.

“At this same time it just so happened that the MAFOTT board had been considering the need to either scrap or overhaul our old webpage,” said Jack Farris, president. “Research on ways to create an easy-to-use and informational site led our joint group to an established website from Yankton, South Dakota. The decision was made to attempt to closely duplicate the Yankton model for Marshfield.”

The board applied for a $1,000 grant from the Marshfield Convention and Visitor Bureau for the website, which was developed by a local web designer and the City’s GIS specialist.

As the city’s trails evolve, the map will be updated to match, Farris said.

While the outdoor biking season is over until spring, anyone interested in the maintenance, promotion, and development of the trail system is welcome to attend MAFOTT meetings at 7 p.m. every other month on the first Wednesday of the month at the library. The next meeting will take place Jan. 8.

The public can also provide input to the City regarding trail development on Monday, Dec. 16 at 7 p.m. at the 2nd Street Community Center. These ideas will be presented to the City for development of a comprehensive five year plan, said Farris.

The following trails featured on the map include Wildwood-Mcmillan trail, Mcmillan Marsh Trail, Mill Creek Trail, Hamus Nature Preserve Trail, Galvin Avenue Trail, Griese Park Trail, UW Arboretum Connector Trail, Weber Park Trail, Hewitt-Marsh / Yellowstone Connector Trail, Forest Ridge / Wildwood Station Trail, Prairie Run Trail, Wildwood Zoo Trail, and Veterans Parkway Trail.

Bicycle Repair Station Donated to City

Bicycle Repair Station Installed at Steve J. Miller Recreation Area

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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