Nikolai Construction Shows Support for Local Law Enforcement

Photo: Branden Bodendorfer

Marshfield (OnFocus) – Nikolai Construction in Marshfield is proudly “Backing the Blue” with a new banner display at their business headquarters.

“We wanted to make a public display showing our support for the badge in these troubling times,” said Rob Nikolai, owner.

Though there are no direct relationships with Marshfield Police Department or Wood County Sheriff’s Department, Nikolai said they have several good friends at both departments.

“MPD and WCSD have always helped us out when we needed them and we greatly respect them and they work they do,” he said. “Both the MPD and WCSD were very enthusiastic about the banner- it didn’t take much convincing for them to stop down for a photo!”

Nikolai hopes the banner inspires others to take action and show support for local law enforcement.

“We hope that others think about how the police force serves and protects our community and take action to show their support as well,” he said, adding, “How much sense does it make to defund the police…those who you call in your time of need…? Without the ‘badge,’ chaos ensues. There is no doubt where we stand on this issue!”

“We need the police to enforce the rule of law,” added Brad Larson. “For over 200 years there have been bad actors around that have wreaked havoc in society. We don’t think what is happening in some of the bigger cities is representative of most people or what they believe is right.”

“Physical violence, vandalism and damage to other peoples property has a huge cost both economically and socially. Without the police that would be a daily occurrence. As with every other group that makes up or society, there are bad actors within every group, but overall we feel the police and emergency responders are great people who offer a great service to our community,” he continued. “We might be old school, but when we were raised, we were taught to respect the police, and today we see so many people who don’t abide by that and for no good reason. They may never have had any interaction with the police yet they call them names and speak poorly of them. We’re not sure when or how that changed, but it starts at a young age and we need to lead by example. Hopefully this is a way to get more people on board to supporting our police and treating them with the respect they deserve.”

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Author: News Desk

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