Notice of McMillan Gas Main Project


Notice of Gas Main Rehabilitation
McMillan Street Central Avenue to Oak Avenue

WE Energies will begin a gas main rehabilitation project beginning on Thursday, July 27, 2017 on McMillan Street between Oak Avenue and Central Avenue. This gas main project will require reduction in the width of the driving lanes on McMillian Street. Please note We Energies will be maintaining two-way traffic throughout the project. This project is expected to last until mid-September. (Previous article on McMillan Project – click here.)

Motorists are encouraged to use caution through construction zones and please be aware of changing road conditions and reduced vehicle speeds.

If there are questions concerning this or other traffic control matters within the City. Please contact the Engineering Division at (715) 486 -2034.

Road Closures can be found on the City’s website at:

News Desk
Author: News Desk