Obituary for Frank Pankratz


Frank D. Pankratz was born at home prematurely and the sixth of nine children on August 12, 1946 to Norman and Cecilia (Hokamp) Parkratz Sr. He could fit in a shoebox and set by the woodstove to Keep warm as he was not expected to live, so said the country doctor “and I will be here tomorrow to sign the death certificate.” Upon returning he asked where he was and just like that Frank let out a crying scream, Mom said, “he is hungry again! ” That country doctor was so baffled with disbelief!

Frank graduated from Marshfield Senior high School in 1965, he then went on to graduate from the University of Wisconsin Madison, with an Associate in Science degree in 1967 and than a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in 1970.

He was then drafted into the Army and received numerous medals for his service and was proud of being a Vietnam Army Veteran.

After his honorable discharge from the Army, Frank worked at Domtar in Port Edwards. He had a lifelong love of baseball, playing softball for various teams and leagues including YMCA Nepco and Wisconsin Rapids Slingshot to name a few. Winning many trophies from other tournaments.

He retired on September 20, 2005, which led him to pursue his passions of hunting, fishing, boating and auctions of all kinds with his friends and family, especially his nephew Cole, and bringing back their purchases. He loved collecting old cars and trucks from different states while traveling and entered car and truck shows winning many trophies.

In Frank’s passing he was greeted by his deceased parents and siblings Ella Mae Gandt, Robert Pankratz, Norman Pankratz, Jr., a niece Judy Ludack and a nephew Randy Ahles, and a very special friend Norma O’Brion.

Surviving sisters Cecilia Abel, Nekoosa, Betty Lou Ahles, Wisconsin Rapids, JoAnn Dieringer, Marshfield, Kathy (Edward) Pankratz-Kolb, Marshfield, Linda Pankratz, Auburndale, and numerous nieces and grandnieces and nephews and grandnephews.

The Family would like to thank all his friends who would call to talk or just stop by as he did as well, and also Rembs Funeral Home in assisting the family during this difficult time.

Frank will remain in the hearts of many and will be deeply missed as he is already.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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