Obituary for Leo Hoffman


Leo M. Hoffman passed away peacefully on November 20, 2024. Leo served in the United States Navy for 20 years which led him to meet his wife (Yaeko Nakamura) while serving overseas in Japan. They were married on December 3, 1958, until her passing in 1999.

After retiring from the US Navy, Leo worked for the Marshfield electric plant and owned a gun repair and reloading business. However, nothing brought him more joy than taking care of his wife and children and later taking care of his grandchildren during their early years. In his later years, he enjoyed going out with his friends for breakfast daily and also worked at the Marshfield Superwash to stay busy. He will be remembered as always having a positive attitude and helping out his friends and family.

He is lovingly survived by his children, Susan Kress (Dick Clark) and David Hoffman (Jeff Sigetich.) He is further survived by his grandchildren Jacqueline Schwartz (Grant), Manuel & Carlos Hoffman (Laddawan Panyasa) and his great-grandchildren Alexandria & Vienna Schwartz. He is also survived by two sisters, Doris Schultz and Caroline Jibril. He was predeceased by his parents (Alfred & Emma Hoffman), a sister (Kathleen Arneson) and a brother (Leonard Hoffman).

A private military and family service is being held on Tuesday, November 26, 2024; he will be buried at Gate of Heaven Cemetery.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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