Obituary for Mary Fredette

mary fredette

Mary A. (Nevinski) Fredette, 93 years of age, Vesper, passed away peacefully on April 16th, 2022.

Funeral services will be held at Noon on Friday, April 22nd, 2022, at St. James Catholic Church in Vesper. Father Nathan will officiate. Visitation will be held at St. James from 10:00 a.m. until time of service. Luncheon will follow the service at St. James. Burial will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 23rd, 2022, at St. Florian’s Catholic Church cemetery in Hatley, WI where Mary will lay in rest along two sisters and other family members. Buchanan/Rembs Funeral Home is assisting the family.

Mary was born on Christmas Day, December 25th, 1928, to Bernice (Falkowski) and Walter Nevinski in Hatley, WI. Mary came from a large extended family of 12 siblings consisting of 3 boys and 9 girls, plus a “13th” child (a nephew who was more of a brother to Mary).

Many stories were told of growing up on the farm in Hatley. All the children would help the parents operate the farm from milking the cows, working the fields with draft horses, chopping wood, tending the chickens and pigs, planting and gathering the garden, picking wild berries and mushrooms. The farm was the place where neighbors and family gathered to create special memories.

After graduating from Birnamwood High School, she had a variety of secretarial jobs. She was a very independent young woman and joined the work force as a secretary. She worked at Employers Mutual Insurance at Wausau, Pittsville School District, and Wood County Clerk of Courts office in Wisconsin Rapids of which she retired from.
During her career she met a young and dashing World War II Navy veteran, Walter Fredette, and they married on September 8th, 1962, at St. James Catholic Church in Wausau.

She was an extremely talented artist in a variety of mediums: drawing, painting, calligraphy, crafting, caning chairs, upholstering furniture, and genealogy. Many of these talents were passed on to her children. Mary also volunteered her time and talents decorating for St. James Catholic Church in Vesper. She created one-of-a-kind banners, religious displays, and natural floral arrangements. She also did the record keeping of the church’s books.

Mary was very energetic in her work, but aways made time to enjoy her family. She loved family reunions and vacations, auctions, world travels to Poland and Alaska, and helping others.

She is survived by her children, Paul Fredette and Amy (Tom Walters) Fredette, sister Frances Siemon, number “13” brother (nephew) Ronald Nelson, brother in-law Albert “Joe” (Doris) Fredette, sisters-in-law Janice Fredette and Betty Fredette, along with cousins, and numerous nieces and nephews of which many called Mary “mother”.
Mary is preceded in death by her husband, Walter Fredette, her parents, sisters Lillian, Anna, Angeline, Antoinette, Verna, Violet, and Josephine. Brothers Edwin, Stanley, and Louis.

Rest in Peace sweet mother. You’re home now. Condolences may be sent online to

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