Obituary for Stephen Wagner


Stephen F. Wagner, MD, 85, passed away March 2, 2024, at Three Oaks Health Services in Marshfield. A family memorial service will be held at a later date.

Stephen was the eldest child of Lester and Martha Wagner. He earned BS and MD degrees from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. During his internship at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Marshfield, he and Patricia were married. Following his army military service in Vietnam, he was chief pediatric resident at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Returning to Marshfield, he joined Marshfield Clinic and practiced pediatrics and genetics. He established medical genetics at Marshfield Clinic and was active in teaching, serving as director of the pediatric residency program for 9 years.

Dr. Wagner played violin in the Marshfield/Wood County Symphony Orchestra for many years and enjoyed playing the piano, especially ragtime. Photography, genealogy and computers were other favorite pastimes. He took pleasure in reading and listening to music, and was a fan of the Harry Potter books and movies.

He loved his family and showed that devotion in countless ways. Fond memories were made on family trips to San Diego, Seattle, Minneapolis, and Marawaraden Resort on Long Lake. It was a delight growing up with a father who liked Saturday morning cartoons as much as any kid, was an inspired Christmas cookie decorator, and generously supported all his family’s interests. A gentle and giving man, he cared deeply for his patients, their families, his friends, and colleagues. He felt very fortunate to have them and a job he loved. Often, former patients would see him out and about and stop by to say hello, which always made his day.

Surviving are his wife, Patricia, of Marshfield, children David of Marshfield and Amy of Columbia, SC, a sister Barbara (John) of Appleton, sisters-in-law Jane, Julie (John), and Cheryl, brother-in-law Tom (Vikki), and several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his parents, his sister Elizabeth, and brothers-in-law Fred and Steve.

The family wishes to extend sincere thanks to the caring staff at Three Oaks Health Services and Heartland Hospice who skillfully helped navigate the trials that come with advancing years. Heartfelt gratitude as well to Dr. Hope Maki, staff at Marshfield Clinic and the former St. Joseph’s Hospital, and to the many others who brightened Stephen’s life.

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