ODC’s Reyne Kenyon Recognized with Caregiver Spotlight Award

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Submitted to OnFocus – The Wisconsin Long Term Care Workforce Alliance (WLTCWA) has announced Reyne Kenyon, ODC Support Specialist Supervisor, as the winner for one of this year’s Caregiver Spotlight Award. Reyne has been with ODC 28 years and has devoted her life to helping people. Fellow ODC employee, Eric Gudmunsen, nominated Reyne for the award.

Eric states, “Reyne has shown me and others what being person centered looks like. The way she gets to know each person that she works with on a personal level is amazing……The people that she supports all show her respect because she is first to show them that respect. There is no one more deserving of this recognition; for all she does for the people around her both professionally and personally.”
WLTCWA is a coalition of organizations and individuals who recognize the critical role direct care workers play in meeting the long-term care needs of older adults and people of all ages with disabilities in Wisconsin. The WLTCWA Annual Caregiver Awards are the only statewide recognition of these outstanding individuals and teams working tirelessly in all service locations.

Opportunity Development Centers, Inc. (ODC) is a private, not-for-profit agency whose mission is to empower people with disabilities to achieve their work and life goals. ODC was founded in 1965 and serves individuals in Central and North Central Wisconsin. In 2019, ODC provided services to more than 900 individuals. ODC has physical locations in Wisconsin Rapids, Stevens Point, Plover, and Marshfield, and provides services in ten counties.

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