Board of Public Works Approves One-Way Stop on Locust at 17th Street

Yield sign at 17th Street and Locust Ave

One-Way Stop Would Replace Existing Yield Sign

OnFocus – At Monday night’s meeting, the City of Marshfield’s Board of Public Works recommended approval that Locust Avenue at 17th Street be one-way stop, controlled with Locust Avenue stopping for 17th Street.

The current traffic control at this “T” intersection is a Yield condition, with Locust Street yielding for 17th Street. Locust Avenue is posted 25 MPH and 17th Street is 15 MPH.

According to a memo from City Engineer Tom Turchi, in the 2007 to 2027 comprehensive plan, Locust Avenue is classified as “Local Street” and 17th Street is classified as a “Collector”.

In the past five years, there has been one traffic crash at this intersection, which was a single vehicle collision with a sign. From the crash data, the intersection is operating at an acceptable level of safety.

In a review of vision triangles, there are no obstructions per the City Code for Vision Triangle Obstructions.

According to Turchi, even though this intersection has not met any warrants for a change to traffic control, the number of pedestrians that utilize this specific intersection to access Wildwood Park does precipitate a change. In addition, Wildwood’s overflow parking extends
onto Locust Avenue during the busy summer months.

“I would expect that following the opening of the VanDeHay Waters Aquatic Center pedestrian access to Wildwood Park will only increase,” said Turchi, who recommended that Locust Avenue at 17th Street be converted to a one-way stop, with Locust Avenue
stopping for 17th Street.

The Board approved the motion unanimously.

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