OnFocus December 21st


It’s been a busy week in the City of Marshfield! You’re watching On Focus and here are the top 5 stories from the past week:

Number 5- With the new year comes new changes for Innovative Machine Specialists, Inc. (IMS). Co-owner, Andy Martin, announced that he will be retiring at the end of the year leaving the business to other owners, Bernard Martin and Brian Schmoll. Congrats to Martin on a great career!
In our number 4 slot, another auspicious retirement. Deputy Chief Craig DeGrand has been with Marshfield Fire & Rescue for nearly 32 years and calls it a career at the end of this week. Our congratulations to Craig and a sincere thanks for your service to the community!
Third on the list is an important county-wide issue. At Tuesday’s Wood County Board meeting, Board Supervisors considered an ordinance that would require horse-drawn buggies to adhere to Wisconsin state driving laws. Several citizens spoke at the meeting in opposition of the proposal.William Winch moved adoption of the ordinance, but no member of the board seconded the motion. The ordinance is being sent back to the Public Safety Committee for further consideration.
Marshfield Fire & Rescue has a much-needed brand-new fire truck. The new Rosenbauer Commander has a 400-gallon water tank and 20-gallon foam tank, and can pump 1500 gallons per minute. Its ladder extends to 101’ tall, the tallest of any of the department’s ladder trucks.  That’s our #2 story this week. Take a look: We’ll be right back with our #1 story after this:
And our top story of the week: The spring election is right around the corner and news from City Hall this week includes longtime District 5 alderman Ed Wagner filing for non-candidacy. First elected to his position in 2006, this paperwork means Wagner will not be running for the first time in 10 years. Also, Marshfield officially has two candidates for Mayor, with the potential for at least three more in the works. Stay tuned to FOCUS for more election news, and check back next week for more On Focus news.
News Desk
Author: News Desk