Top local news stories from the past week.
You’re watching On Focus, where we recap the top local news stories from the past week.
#5 Our number five story of the week is actually a series. Check out Focus On as we recap the top stories of 2017, highlighting government, business, sports, and more! What were the top 10 stories of 2017? Find out on New Year’s Eve!
Top Stories of 2017
#4 Christmas is over and the tree is coming down. What do you do with your Christmas tree? Will Advanced Disposal pick it up? Find out all you need to know about pickup dates and protocol, as well as helpful tips on eliminating holiday waste, on our website.
Christmas Tree Pickup Information and Holiday Waste Disposal Tips
#3 It’s that time of year- tax time! We talked with City Finance Director Keith Strey to get the scoop on everything property taxes. Learn all about your taxes- what they include, how to pay, what to do if you can’t pay.
#2 Marshfield Police Department K9 stuffed animal sale is off to a great start. A fundraiser is underway for the Department’s K9 Unit. Stop by the Weiler’s location next to Wal-Mart (on the north side of town) to purchase an adorable stuffed animal toy “H” or “Steffi” for $15/each (includes tax). Cash or check made payable to “MPD K9 Fund” only. VIDEO CLIP
And our number 1 story of the week. Two fires took place over the holidays. On Christmas Eve, a downtown fire above Mr. G’s Saloon resulted in one man being transported to Marshfield Medical Center. Just after Christmas Day, at 2:00am on Tuesday, Marshfield Fire & Rescue responded to a fire on Cedar Avenue. All four residents and six dogs safely exited. In both fires, there were no working smoke detectors. Smoke detectors are required by law and can mean the difference between life and death. Please take a moment to make sure you and your family is safe. Check your detectors. If you need help affording a detector, contact Marshfield Fire & Rescue.
Thanks for tuning in. Check back next week for more On Focus news.