OnFocus News – April 13, 2018


I’m Steven Okonek and you’re watching On Focus, where we recap the news that matters to you.

Bruce Williams is co-director of Welcomed, a nonprofit based in Wild Rose, Wisconsin, which works with churches to develop an active support system for foster families. The Mill Church in Stratford is the third Marathon County church to participate. Wisconsin has around 7,800 children in foster care, a number on the rise. The Mill Church will host a Community Foster Care Awareness Event on Sunday, April 15th from 12:30-2:30 p.m. at the Mid Towne Building.

Horse drawn vehicle lighting requirements are now State law, under ACT 228 of Wisconsin State law. Assembly Bill 475, authored by Senator Jerry Petrowski (R-Marathon) and Representative John Spiros (R-Marshfield) requires that, in addition to the lights already required, animal-drawn vehicles must also be equipped with rear flashing yellow or amber strobe lights, and that all the lights must be illuminated during hours of darkness and periods of inclement weather.

At the April 10th Common Council meeting, Mayor Chris Meyer presented agenda item “T”: “Consideration to rescind action on March 27, 2018 pertaining to allocating funding to the Personal Development Center.” The final motion, as amended, was to allocate up to $40,000 in matching funds, dollar-for-dollar, for PDC. The organization would have one year from April 10th to generate $40,000, which the City would then match. Feirer, Jockheck, and Wagner voted “yes”. Poeschel, Earll, Witzel, Zaleski, Spiros, Buttke, and Hendler voted “no.” The motion failed.

Now a brief look at the weather, sponsored by Marshfield Insurance:

After ten years as Marshfield’s Mayor, Chris Meyer presided over his final City of Marshfield Common Council meeting last night. Meyer is Marshfield’s longest-serving Mayor who oversaw several major projects in the City, including the new Fire & Rescue building, new public library and community center, downtown development, and many more. Longtime Alderman and current Council President Ed Wagner also was serving at his final meeting. Wagner was elected in 2006 to represent the City’s 5th District.

And our number 1 story of the week:

#1  After more than 28 years serving the Marshfield Police Department, Ordinance Officer Dan Leonard will retire on May 30th at 1500 hours. “Dan Leonard (also known as “Dan, Dan, the Ordinance Man”) has been not only a fixture within the community but also the face of the Marshfield Police Department. “Everyone knows and respects Dan and he has worked hard to earn this,” said Police Chief Rick Gramza. “His dedication to the department and community are second to none and his upbeat attitude, motivation, energy, and knowledge for the job will be a loss to the community.”

Thank YOU for tuning in. Check back next week for more On Focus news.

News Desk
Author: News Desk