OnFocus’ People of the Year 2020: Cheryl Lewis Hartl


There are so many people that stood out in 2020. For our list, we wanted to highlight people that made a difference locally. Nationally (and locally) frontline workers were truly the heroes of the year, but it’s hard to narrow down exactly whom to thank! So, to start, we want to thank everyone who made 2020 a little bit easier for the rest of us, whether it be in the medical field, grocery stores, transport trucks, or nonprofits. Thank you! Now onto the specifics…

OnFocus People of the Year 2020

Cheryl Lewis-Hartl, Feeding the Community

This year, food scarcity was a challenge for many families. With unemployment at record highs locally, nonprofits including Soup or Socks saw a significant increase in people needing their assistance. After their signature fundraiser was cancelled at the very beginning of the pandemic, local businesses including Weiler’s and MMCCU helped by hosting fundraisers. As the fearless leader of SOS, Cheryl keeps everything organized and families fed.

Other 2020 recognitions:

Joe & Lyn Mueller

Mark Cournoyer

Morgan Gorst

Trisha Mayer

Megan Jasurda

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

This piece was posted by our news team! Contact us or submit stories at [email protected].