Online Wisconsin FFA State Convention Premieres


Onfocus – Get ready to experience Wisconsin’s 91st State FFA Convention Online!  From the comforts of your own home, you can celebrate Wisconsin FFA members and chapter achievements through the first ever online state convention.

Collin Weltzien, Wisconsin FFA State President along with his 2019-2020 officer team are gearing up for the 91st Wisconsin State FFA Convention to be held online July 6th-10th. Log on to the Wisconsin FFA Facebook page, Instagram and/or the Wisconsin FFA Website ( to experience this event.

Be sure to set aside time to help Wisconsin FFA celebrate the accomplishments of outstanding award recipients as well as recognize and offer thanks to the many sponsors who have given generously of their time, talents and donations. The state FFA officers will share their personal messages throughout the week as they lead us through this new experience.

Monday, July, 6th  kicks off with a welcome from National FFA Advisor, Dr. James Woodard, cheer on Wisconsin’s final membership number as chapter membership awards are announced, recognize chapters for their community service and see who wins the state Middle School Essay contest centered around the theme, “Rise Up. Stand Out”.   Then don’t miss out on Monday evening and join Facebook Live to be entertained by new country recording artist, Tenille Townes at 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday begins with the keynote address from National FFA President Kolesen McCoy followed throughout the day by video presentations of the state winning proficiency awards as their Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAE) are showcased. Help us salute our 2019-2020 sponsors who made these awards possible. Kolesen will also offer a live workshop at 7:00 p.m. Just make sure to sign up through the Wisconsin Association of FFA Facebook page.

Wednesday and Thursday, July, 8th-9th, watch the introduction of Wisconsin Star finalists in Agribusiness, Agriscience, Ag Placement and Farmers and their amazing programs. Also on Wednesday 348 State Degrees recipients will be honored and the Wisconsin FFA Alumni will be offering a workshop. Thursday will also highlight the National Chapter Awards and Three Star Leaders.

Take in the finale on Friday when the Agriscience Fair Award results are announced and four Stars Over Wisconsin are named.  Pay tribute to the state officer parents, capture the year in review and hear Collin Weltzien’s retiring presidential address.  Finally meet the new 2020-2021 Wisconsin State Officer team.

Keep an eye out during the entire week of July 6 as even more will be posted and announcements made in order to celebrate Wisconsin FFA.

“We never would have imagined that we would be delivering our Wisconsin FFA Convention online, but we are excited about the events and announcements that we have planned throughout the week.  Stay tuned each day because we have a lot of fun experiences planned.  “Rise Up, Stand Out” is definitely an appropriate theme for this year’s convention as our state officers, members and advisors are overcoming many new challenges during this pandemic.  State FFA Convention still provides everyone the opportunity to celebrate even though this year it looks and feels differently.” said Cheryl Zimmerman, Wisconsin FFA Executive Director.

The Wisconsin Association of FFA is a leading student organization due to the efforts of 253 FFA Chapters across the state. With a focus on premier leadership, personal growth and career success, students’ FFA activities complement agricultural classroom instruction by giving them an opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge while gaining real-world experience. These activities are dependent on donor funding through the Wisconsin FFA Foundation.  The FFA is also supported by the Wisconsin FFA Alumni Association throughout Wisconsin. For more information about Wisconsin FFA, the Wisconsin FFA Foundation and the Wisconsin FFA Alumni visit or become a fan of the Wisconsin Association of FFA, the Wisconsin FFA Foundation and the Wisconsin FFA Alumni Association on Facebook.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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