Owen-Withee School Cleared to Reopen

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Owen, WI (OnFocus) A section of the Owen-Withee school building was closed off last Friday after deflection was noticed in the hallway beams outside the gym.

“As a precaution, students and staff were moved and the hallway was closed off. Our maintenance staff with the assistance of our tech education teacher and some of his students created 4×4 posts,” said Bob Houts, District Administrator.

The posts were used to support the beams while maintenance staff started removing the snow from the roof above the area with help from community members and students over the age of 18, until 5:30 p.m.

“Structural engineers inspected the area Friday evening and have given us the OK to reopen the area. School will go on Monday as scheduled,” said Houts. “Snow load in the area will be monitored and excessive snow will be removed until permanent corrective measures are completed.”

No collapse of the roof occurred and the elementary school area was not impacted.

Snowfall Buildup on Roofs a Potential Issue for Homeowners

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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