Pacelli Tennis Falls to Rhinelander


Stevens Point (OnFocus) – Pacelli dropped its tennis match with Rhinelander by a score of 7-0.

No. 1 – Jacob Weddle, RHINELANDER HIGH def. Isaac Kosobucki, Pacelli High School, 6-0 , 6-0 , -;
No. 2 – Joesph Belanger, RHINELANDER HIGH def. Weston Peplinski, Pacelli High School, 6-3 , 6-1 , -;
No. 3 – Joseph Sturzl, RHINELANDER HIGH def. Bennett Eckendorf, Pacelli High School, 6-0 , 6-1 , -;
No. 4 – Leo Losch, RHINELANDER HIGH def. Tyson Krueger, Pacelli High School, 6-0 , 6-0 , -;

No. 1 – Luke Ring, RHINELANDER HIGH – Elijah Evers, RHINELANDER HIGH def. Jacob Mengel, Pacelli High School – Mateo Koch, Pacelli High School, 6-1 , 6-1 , -;
No. 2 – William Berwig, RHINELANDER HIGH – Layne Roeser, RHINELANDER HIGH def. Eli Robinson, Pacelli High School – Brian Pekarek, Pacelli High School, 6-0 , 6-1 , -;
No. 3 – Joseph Heck, RHINELANDER HIGH – Eli Lundt, RHINELANDER HIGH def. Ian Osypowski, Pacelli High School – Dominic Kroening, Pacelli High School, 6-0 , 6-0 , -;

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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]