Pancakes or Waffles: Tomahawk Student-Athlete Halle Derleth: Enjoy Every Minute in Sports


We take a closer look at Tomahawk Hatchets mult-sport athlete Halle Derleth, who is headed off to UW-Lacrosse to study cellular biology and molecular genetics. Read on to learn about the Hatchets’ senior…


OnFocus: What are your favorite subjects/classes and why?  

Derleth: My favorite classes are political science and economics because I have a good teacher that treats students like adults and makes the class interesting.

OnFocus: What are your hobbies?  

Derleth: I like to play with my dogs and be outside

OnFocus: Who is/was your first favorite teacher and why?  

Derleth: My first favorite teacher was probably my third grade teacher Mrs Gibeault because halfway through the school year she got couches for our room

OnFocus: What is the most unusual food you have eaten?  

Derleth:A chocolate cake my sister made where she put 1 cup of baking soda in it instead of 1 teaspoon

OnFocus: What is your favorite music to listen to?  

Derleth: I like to listen to Taylor Swift, country, and rock

OnFocus:  What are your plans after high school?  

Derleth: I plan on attending UW-La Crosse to study cellular biology and molecular genetics.

OnFocus:  If they made a movie about you, and your life, what would it be called?  

Derleth: Probably The Crazy Life of Halle

OnFocus: What sports do you play?   

Derleth:  I run cross country and track and I wrestled.

OnFocus: Which teammate would you not want to be stranded with on a deserted island?  

Derleth: Elliot

OnFocus:  What are some memorable moments you have had as an athlete?  

Derleth: Winning conference as a team for cross country my senior year, joining wrestling, and being with my relay team from this year and last year.

OnFocus:  Who are your favorite athletes and/or teams?  

Derleth: My favorite athlete is Tara Davis-Woodhall and my favorite team is the brewers

OnFocus: What do you enjoy most about competing in front of family, friends and fans?  

Derleth: I love that there are always so many people there to support me and being able to show how all of my hard work pays off.

OnFocus:  Do you have a funny or unusual moment(s) you have experienced in sports? 

Derleth: In cross country we start the season with a camping trip up in bond falls and there’s always something interesting that happens there. One year we were loading 7-8 people up in a canoe and as they were sinking my friend told us all she couldn’t swim so that was a little wild

OnFocus: What’s the best thing about being a student-athlete at Tomahawk?

Derleth: The best thing about being an athlete at Tomahawk is the amazing coaches and teammates I have. It’s also really cool to be competing for a school that has such a rich history with winning conferences, sectionals, state, etc, and being able to add more titles to the list.

OnFocus:  What words of wisdom can you give to other student-athletes?  

Derleth: I would say to enjoy every minute you have in sports, even during the worst parts, because it really does go by fast

OnFocus: Lastly, pancakes or waffles? 

Derleth: Definitely waffles


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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]