Panel to consider making DNR sell bug spray in state parks

"Mosquito Meter" at Buckhorn State Park.

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A legislative committee is set to consider a bill that would require the state Department of Natural Resources to sell insect repellent in state parks and forests.

The bill is part of a package of legislation Republican Rep. Jeff Mursau has introduced in an effort to prevent Lyme disease. The Assembly Committee on Environment is set to hold a public hearing on the measure Thursday

According to a DNR fiscal estimate, only five out of 64 state parks and forests offer anything for sale currently. It would cost about $15,000 to create a system to sell repellent at the remaining 59 properties.

DNR officials anticipate spending $20,000 annually on repellent purchases. They expect sales revenue would cover ongoing costs.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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