Parks and Rec Announces Hillside Cemetery Fall Cleanup Deadline

Hillside Cemetery/ OnFocus file photo

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – The Marshfield Parks and Recreation Department announced that their annual fall clean-up of the Hillside Cemetery will take place after October 1st.  All decorations, containers, shepherd hooks, solar lights and other adornments placed at Hillside Cemetery must be removed by then.

Items affixed to headstones may stay, (i.e. grave saddles, monument-mounted vases), but any loose trinkets or items stuck into the ground around the headstone must be removed. Cemetery staff will discard any remaining items left beginning October 1st.

The department strongly encourages any items/decorations of great monetary or emotional value be protected in a safe place outside of the public cemetery grounds where they cannot be lost, stolen, damaged or removed for any reason.

For a complete list of cemetery rules and spring and fall clean-up dates, please visit the Hillside Cemetery webpage at by clicking on departments and cemetery in the top of the City website. If you have questions, please reach out to the cemetery office at 715-486-2098 or email [email protected].

Last year, citizens who had items pulled away from loved ones’ graves were left wondering why and eventually took the matter to the common council. This year, the city has issued a notice well in advance of their scheduled cleaning as they get the cemetery ready for winter.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk