Pet Shelter Supporters Brave Winter Weather to Attend Fundraising Breakfast

Marshfield Area Pet Shelter photos

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) Despite snowy conditions and a blizzard warning, 250 people braved the high winds to attend the annual breakfast fundraiser for Marshfield Area Pet Shelter on Sunday.

“Considering our low attendance this year, our entire event generated a surprising amount due to the extreme generosity of those who attended and from those who donated. This solidifies our believe that people truly care about our cause and support our mission to help innocent animals,” said Karen Rau, volunteer Executive Director. “We are blessed to live in such a generous community.”

[Related: Marshfield Area Pet Shelter to Break Ground for New Facility in 2019]

The event raised $6,400, about half of what is typically raised at the biggest event for the pet shelter.

MAPS received assistance from from snowplowing company, Solutionz, which cleared out the parking lot so volunteers and attendees were able to get to the breakfast.

“While some people felt we should have cancelled the event, MAPS reps determined canceling the event would be detrimental to the organization due to venue obligations, food ordered and other considerations,” explained Rau. “We would like to thank all who attended including our incredible volunteers and Holiday Inn staff who went above and beyond to ensure the success of our event.”

Marshfield Police and Fire Departments were invited to come and enjoy the leftovers cooked up by Chef Doug. “Everyone who attended raved about the tasty food and we wanted to share the leftovers with the people who protect and serve our community every day,” Rau said.

Those who could not attend can still help out the animals by making checks payable to MAPS at PO Box 147, Marshfield, WI 54449 or by visiting

“Funds raised at this event will help offset our many daily expenses such as employee salaries, utilities, rent, medical supplies, spay/neuter surgeries, vaccinations, etc.,” said Rau. “The funds will allow us to continue caring for hundreds of homeless animals this year.”

MAPS is currently operating in a temporary home on West 29th Street in the former airport terminal building and runs an Adoption Center inside the Marshfield Mall. The shelter is currently in the design process for a long-awaited permanent facility and plans to break ground later this spring with completion this year.

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Marshfield Area Pet Shelter Celebrates Successful Breakfast at New Location


News Desk
Author: News Desk

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