Pet Supplies Plus to Host Ferret Play Date April 2


MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Pet Supplies Plus in Marshfield will be hosting a ferret play date on April 2 from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. The ferrets will be on display and can be held and played with by those in attendance.

When looking for the right pet, there are many different species of animals that might fit your lifestyle. An overlooked option could be the ferret. This small animal can be great for families to enjoy.

Pet Supplies Plus has everything you might need when bringing home a ferret for the first time or to upgrade your current ferret’s diet, habitats, toys and more.

Pet Supplies Plus in Marshfield currently has four ferrets ready for adoption. They also have a pamphlet with a checklist that can help new ferret owners get everything they might need to welcome a new pet into the home.

Facts about Ferrets and Owning Them:

Ferrets usually are spayed or neutered upon adoption and their musk glands are usually also removed prior to adoption. The ferret is a mustelid, named because of their natural musk glands that give off a musty scent to predators when it feels threatened. The ferret’s skin also releases a small amount of musk so a scent may still be present.

New ferret owners might sometimes try to mask this smell by overbathing their pet but this causes the ferret to experience dry skin and their musk glands may try to overcompensate with more scent-releasing oils.

Ferrets are mainly carnivores and enjoy chewing on toys, playing with other ferrets and living up to its scientific name which translates to “thief”.

Ferrets are most active at dawn and dusk and sleep about 14-18 hours a day. The remaining time is spent playing and entertaining their families and playmates.

When excited and playful, a ferret will exhibit what is known as the “weasel war dance”, which is characterized by seemingly uncontrolled happy sideways jumps, which often end in banging into furniture or each other.

Ferrets are very social animals and prefer to live together with other ferrets. The pet can be litter-box trained and should receive rabies vaccines yearly.

Check with your local municipality and state to ensure that you do not need a permit to own a ferret. In Wisconsin, no permit is needed unless you plan

If you’re interested in more information on the benefits or characteristics of a ferret, head to the Pet Supplies Plus website.

We welcome your stories! Contact us at [email protected]!

News Desk
Author: News Desk