Petrowski Decides Against Congress Run


Senator Jerry Petrowski has decided not to run for Congress, 7th District. He released the following statement regarding his decision:

“I want to thank all the people from around the state that have reached out to me and my family offering their support and endorsement. Thank you for your faith and trust – that means the world to me.

I’ve done some soul searching in the past couple of weeks. In making my decision, I thought about two main things: what is best for my family and what is best for the people of this district and state.

I decided to get into politics because I wanted to make a difference and help the people of this community. That sentiment and my family has always been my compass when making decisions. So, the question is this – Can I make a greater difference representing my constituents in Washington? After giving it considerable thought and talking to other legislators, the answer is no. While I would relish the chance to overcome the constant gridlock in Washington D.C., I know that I will have a larger impact on the people I represent by continuing to serve in the State Senate.

So, in the interest of doing what’s right for my family and for being able to do more for my constituents, I have made the decision to not run for Congress and continue to serve as your State Senator.

God bless the State of Wisconsin, and God Bless America.”

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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