Pittsville Supper Club Closes Permanently


Marshfield (OnFocus) – Popular Wood County Supper Club “Pinecrest” is closed permanently, according to the establishment’s Facebook page.

“We are sorry to share that Pinecrest Supper Club is CLOSED permanently. Thank you for your business and support over the years. It was a pleasure serving you,” they said in a Facebook statement. Efforts to reach out to the supper club were unsuccessful.

Known for their prime rib, broasted chicken, Friday fish fry’s, and friendly family service, Pinecrest will be missed by the community.

Supper clubs are a Wisconsin tradition, serving as destination dining for travelers and local alike. Famous for their Old-fashioned’s and homemade cooking, these establishments first appeared during Prohibition and have since become a Wisconsin staple. Independently owned and often located in rural areas, supper clubs have struggled in recent years and suffered more acutely from the COVID-19 pandemic’s economic impact.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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