Pittsville 4th of July Celebration Canceled

Heart and Sole Race. Pittsville Fire Company photo.

Heart and Sole Race May Go Ahead

Pittsville, WI (OnFocus) The Pittsville 4th of July event scheduled for July 3-4 has been canceled this year due to challenges related to COVID-19.

“It was just too hard to do the social distancing,” said Jerry Meyers, a member of the Pittsville Lions Club which plans the festivities along with the American Legion, VFW and the Pittsville Fire Company. “There’s no way we could handle that many people.”

The celebrations, including the annual parade, bands, and other entertainment, draws a crowd of several thousand. Organizers were also concerned that new restrictions could suddenly be put in place that would limit or force the cancellation of the event.

“We reluctantly decided to not go ahead,” said Meyers.

While this year’s event won’t go forward, he said plans are already in place for the 2021 celebration.

The Heart and Sole race may continue yet and a decision will be made next week, according to the Pittsville Fire Company. It said the fundraising event for the department may look different than in previous years, with the race perhaps spaced out over a period of time to prevent a large crowd gathering at once. Further details will be announced once a decision is made.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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