Pittsville Fire Department Thankful for Partnerships

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What are you thankful for this year? Many of us are thankful for our families, jobs, friends etc. But one thing I would like to express is the Thanks for my firefighters and EMT’S – I have been in this business for 40 years and I cannot think of a better group of people to work with and call my colleagues. Many others that have worked here and moved on to other jobs and other areas are also on that list.

When the pager sounds they respond to a call for help – Can you think of anything better than that? Because fire department staffing has become so “tight” these days and we don’t have the numbers we used to, I am more than THANKFUL for our neighboring departments

While I could list all of the Wood County agencies, I am especially grateful to those agencies closest to us or border our area. When they hear us being paged out to a large incident, they start responding to their stations as they know the call is coming for help, it’s just the way we have to do business these days. They are the most giving, best trained agencies anywhere and I am happy to work with them at anytime.

One more group – Our citizens that support us and provide the financial support that make the organization run.

Chief Gerald Minor
Pittsville Fire Department

News Desk
Author: News Desk