Pittsville is Center of the State of Wisconsin

exact center of wisconsin

PITTSVILLE, WI (OnFocus) – This month, we’re showcasing all things Pittsville. Did you know that Pittsville is in the exact geographic center of the State of Wisconsin? There’s even a special marker to celebrate this claim to fame.

In 2018, the City of Pittsville dedicated the new plaque marking the geographic center of the state.

geographic center plaqueThe plaque, located on the banks of the yellow river along Veedum St./County Road E, has marked the site of the exact geographical center of the state since the original plaque was placed in 1987.

Governor Walter J. Kohler Jr. was a frequent visitor to the Pittsville area in the 1950s, and in 1952 he proclaimed Pittsville to be the Center of the State. Land Surveyors established the spot on an island in the Yellow River about 250 feet from the marker.

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