OnFocus – After further research and discussion, the City of Marshfield Plan Commission has approved a Conditional Use Request for the Villas at Marshfield. The Conditional Use Request is temporary and will be further reviewed in 2022 when the campus master plan update is scheduled.
The request was first discussed at the October 21 Plan Commission meeting, when members reviewed a Conditional Use request that would allow non-students to reside at the Villas at Marshfield, an apartment complex across from UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield campus originally zoned for student housing.
This item was discussed at the October 2020 Plan Commission and was tabled in order to gather additional information.
The University Foundation, UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield Administration, UW- Eau Claire Nursing Program, and Marshfield Clinic submitted letters of support for The Villas. At the meeting, Patrick Sherman explained the building’s security plan, disciplinary action process, and a background screening that is completed on all applicants.
According to the Campus Master Plan, the building is intended to provide housing to students and individuals involved in educational programs in Marshfield and not to the general public. If the Villas is able to rent to the general public, then it is considered to be an Apartment land use, and would need a different Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to operate that way.
“Staff originally recommended denying the request on a permanent basis because the initial approval for this building was based on the premise that it would be intended to be available to students involved in educational programs and the conditional use permit that was approved was specifically for an Institutional Residential land use,” said City Planner Bryce Hembrook. “After further discussions with the applicant and representatives from the university, staff is supportive of approving the request on a temporary basis in order to give them some time to address their occupancy issues.”
He added that by the time of the campus master plan update in 2022, the applicant will either have resolved this issue or can request to allow it as part of the plan.
“Staff would also recommend that the Villas send a quarterly report to city staff to update them on occupancy levels, new leases to non-students, and any issues involving non-students,” he said. “Also, staff is recommending a maximum limit of 24 non-student individuals that are allowed to reside in the Villas.”
Staff recommended the Commission approve the Conditional Use Request by Sherman, representing the Villas at Marshfield, to allow a temporary apartment land use in the peripheral campus area on the UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield (formerly known as the UW-Wisconsin-Marshfield/Wood County) campus and to allow non-students to reside in the existing student housing complex, located at 2313 West 5th Street (parcel 33-04329D), zoned “CD” Campus Development district with the following conditions:
- The temporary conditional use permit will expire on September 1, 2022. The applicant may request to renew the request or amend the campus master plan.
- The applicant shall send a quarterly report to city staff informing them about occupancy levels, new leases to non-students, any issues involving non-students, and other items requested by staff.
- No more than 24 non-student individuals may reside in the complex.
The Commission approved the Conditional Use Request.
Complete presentation available here.
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