Plover woman gets 9 months in jail for harming baby


WISCONSIN RAPIDS, Wis. (AP) — A judge has ordered a Wisconsin woman to spend at least nine months in jail for harming her baby in a hospital.

Twenty-five-year-old Holly Fields of Plover was sentenced Tuesday after pleading no-contest to physically abusing a child.

WSAW-TV reports Fields also was ordered to repay $157,000 for her child’s medical care.
Investigators say Fields brought her 10-month-old baby to a Marshfield hospital in April 2018 because she was concerned the child wasn’t gaining weight.

But the baby did not improve after three weeks in the hospital. Surveillance was set up, and court documents say Fields tampered with nutrients connected to her baby’s feeding tube.
Fields told the judge she’s “really sorry for everything.” She will be on probation for eight years and must complete 200 hours of community service.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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