Police Chief Will Not Face Felony Charges Due to Lack of Evidence


Judge Determines Not Enough Evidence for Felony Charges Against Gramza

OnFocus – Marshfield Police Chief Rick Gramza will no longer be facing felony charges of misconduct in office and has pleaded not guilty to misdemeanor charges of fourth-degree sexual assault and disorderly conduct.

Portage County Circuit Judge Thomas Eagon (acting in lieu of a Wood County judge in the case) determined that the state did not meet its burden to prove the misconduct in office charges.

A pre-trial conference for the misdemeanor charges is set for 11:00am on March 22.


On November 6, 2020, the City was formally advised that City of Marshfield Chief of Police Rick Gramza would be facing criminal charges involving misconduct in office, fourth degree sexual assault, and disorderly conduct. Gramza made his initial court appearance on December 23.

On December 29, the City of Marshfield Common Council unanimously authorized City Administrator Steve Barg to proceed with filing charges with the Police & Fire Commission against Marshfield Police Chief Rick Gramza.

In December, Gramza appeared in Wood County Circuit Court, at which time a $10,000 signature bond was set. Next, a Preliminary Hearing and Arraignment took place January 13.

Last month, after Eagon questioned whether Gramza’s actions with a department employee constituted felony misconduct, special prosecutors had until January 27 to respond and prove that Gramza was acting in his official capacity (as chief of police) when Gramza allegedly had sexual contact with the listed employee.

Gramza’s defense attorney, Gary Kryshak, then had 10 days to respond. On February 18, Eagon will rule on whether to drop the felony charges against Gramza.

Marshfield Police & Fire Commission is also in the process of discussing a complaint filed related to Gramza. Hearings are scheduled for March, at which time attorneys for both Gramza and the city will present and cross examine witnesses.

RELATED: https://www.onfocus.news/police-chief-investigation-addressed-at-common-council/

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