Police Reports: April 22 – 29

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April 22 – A woman reported damage to her drivers side mirror while parked on Adams Ave.

April 23 – Complainant reported a physical altercation between him and his girlfriend.

A woman was parked in row 3 at Walmart and when she returned to her vehicle there was white paint transfer and scuffing on her car. Walmart loss prevention did review video surveillance and it does not appear the driver of suspect vehicle was aware the vehicles had made contact so was not deemed a hit and run. Vehicle would be a silver/white 4 door Pontiac, unknown plate.

During a traffic stop at N Central/E Edison, a 34 year-old male was taken into custody ref a valid Marathon County warrant. He was transported to the Marshfield Police Department where he posted bond, a new court date was issued and he was released. No further involvement.

April 24 – A woman contacted police after she observed a deceased rabbit with a blow dart sticking out of it behind an apartment complex on South Locust. She stated that the rabbit was not there 30 minutes prior to calling police. She also observed damage to a tricycle which was located near the deceased rabbit. She stated she has a current no-contact order through the courts with her ex-boyfriend, a 40 year old Marshfield male. The male was not observed in the area during this time frame.

A woman reported that her driver side front window was damaged in the parking lot on South Locust. Pictures were taken on-scene of the damage. In observing the damage, it’s believed that the window was shot at with either a pellet or BB gun which caused the window to shatter, no suspects at this time.

A woman reported her bicycle was stolen from her garage and saw that it was for sale on Facebook. Officers attempted contact with a 52 year-old Marshfield man who was suspected of being in possession the bicycle. Officers attempted contacted a second time and located the stolen property. Investigation ongoing

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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